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Why Prayer?

Prayer is a common word heard throughout the church but what exactly is prayer?

Prayer is communication between you and God. Through prayer, we can talk to God and hear from Him.

Prayer is a potent and necessary tool, especially in today’s world.

With the assistance of prayer, we can lay our problems and burdens on God;

in return, he guides our steps


To access resources to aid you in focusing your prayers and increasing your prayer life, visit the World Network of Prayer at

New Growth

Individual Prayer

Individual prayer is a vital and personal relationship with the one true and living God. Individual prayer is a personal prayer that seeks to adore God, to praise Him, to thank him for Hs gifts, to ask for forgiveness, and to ask for His direction in various needs, both spiritual and physical. Individual personal prayer promotes and improves participation in Corporate and Family Prayer. It deeply roots an individual in union with God bringing an individual into a dynamic personal prayer life with God himself.

Wheat Field

Corporate Prayer

Corporate prayer is the term used to describe praying together with other people - in small groups or larger gatherings of people. Corporate prayer is an important part of the life of the church, we read in Acts 2:42 that the early church gathered to pray together.  Corporate prayer edifies and unifies us as we share our common faith. When we gather together and combine our prayers as one body of Christ the results are powerful.

Vegetable Garden

Family Prayer

Not only is prayer important on an individual level, but it is also vital for your family. Praying for your family helps to cover them. Prayer is the key to changing our homes. It is through prayer that we can begin to foster transformation. Let us enhance family prayer. Not any prayer, but prayer with scripture about family. There is power in praying the word. Placing everything in his loving hands.

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